Massive Lessons of 2023

~Musings on collective themes and lessons of (several) lifetimes in a year~

What an incredible year it has been.

2023, a numerological year of 7- was a year of our spirit redirecting us in many ways. A massive year of transmutation of old programmed ways into new ways of Being in the body.

I can mainly speak from my own experience, but seeing as how I get so much feedback on how my musings resonate within the collective, I wanted to share some profound reflections. I invite you to reflect on and honor yourself as you read this, as we have all overcome what feels like a decade or more worth of programming and karma within one single year. As we continue to cosmically shift into a new state, time itself changes!

We are beginning to experience and acclimate deeper into the intensity of the collective consciousness evolution and ascension of humanity. Heavenly states of bliss- yes. But also the deep, dark shadows of the human race’s past that must come up to be seen and transmuted, through the witnessing and working of them within our sacred vessels. For many of us, we are learning to walk through the fire of this intensity with more and more love, grace, joy, and compassion – and to me, this is the greatest mark of true “success” one could have in this time beyond anything earthly.

That said, I want to share some remarkable shifts I have noticed in myself and perhaps you have too. You’ll notice, as I did while I was writing, how beautifully interwoven each of these different lessons are.

Letting Go of Control

Easily, the biggest lesson of them all. A lesson that will continue in our lives. We are stepping back into a more organic way of being in a present flow state rather than by our ego’s trauma based control attempting to manipulate reality.

Therefore, there have been many internal and external situations arising that are giving us the opportunity to release control and allow our soul to guide us through with a higher wisdom.

Though this is often painful at first because it involves an ego death, it ends up being the most relieving and liberating experience we get to have. We realize we don’t have to hold on so tightly to life and we just can ENJOY the magical ride for what it is.

Looking the Shadow in the Eye

Looking the shadow in the eye isn’t nearly as scary as it once was after this year.

I have come face to face with deep seated shadows what feels like all year long, to a very intimate degree. With much momentum I have moved through the resistance of change in my being. This momentum has meant for me huge shifts, huge pains, and huge pleasures. And most importantly, a practice of flowing through all of it with more trust.

Because of this, I have developed a newfound and unparalleled grit, strength, and courage when it comes to facing things that I used to find unfaceable. Grit really is the word here. And faith. For these continuous challenges have required much energetic stamina: facing my greatest fears in the face again and again and again until they no longer have the same hold on me. And I think that is a big part of how we are all breaking out of the programming of mind control.

We have all been controlled by fear- but when we no longer FEAR the fear- we no longer can be controlled by it. And the same goes for any negative thoughts or feelings. The experience of softening into our true selves is like becoming invincible. We can still feel the fear or doubt or whatever- but it no longer hits us so hard or puppeteers our lives the way it used to. It becomes more of a conscious, curious observation.

My goal is to continue to bravely and courageously SEE and feel the shadow when it arises with less and less resistance or fear of it. To honor and accept it and continue flowing in my Beingness as it arises- knowing it is just a very temporary expression of my human-ness and beneath the pain- is an invaluable gift pointing me to deeper love. To also KNOW that I am NOT any of it and it doesn’t define my Being- it is merely another experience from which I will ALWAYS continue to expand through.

Perhaps you also feel you have looked the shadow in the eye more intimately and consistently this year than ever… if so, give yourself a ton of credit and appreciation for how far you have come! This IS deep spiritual work we are doing.

Softening and Allowing

Speaking of softening- this has also been a huge theme for me this year.

It reminds me of a quote I once heard by Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching: “The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest; that which has no substantial existence enters where there is no crevice“.

The experience of “softening” is very multi-dimensional to me. For it means to me being more receptive to spirit and energy, more flexible, more intuitive, more allowing of WHAT IS. To accept and meet what is willingly (no matter how difficult) and being able to respond with so much more wisdom and love than trying to resist or fight it. As the saying goes- what you resist persists. Softening to me is opening to allow myself to hold all of my experience without judgement of how “wrong” or “bad” it is. It just IS. In this allowing- transformation occurs naturally.

Softening also represents the actual experience of consciousness shifting from lower densities to higher- one becomes lighter, or “softer”. And counter-intuitive to the ego- this softness does not weaken one, but actually brings an impeccable strength and invincibility.. the likes of which Lao Tzu was speaking of.

Finally, I feel it is symbolic of the return of the Divine Feminine Principles which have been largely forgotten and denied- the real power of receptivity AS WELL as the giving/doing of the Divine Masculine, in balance. ALLOWING life to flow as it IS, not as we believe it needs to be.

Knowing & Being OUR Innate Worth

The amount of times I have had to groove through the devastating triple D’s- doubt, desperation, and despair!! And I might add on, discouragement, is almost absurd if I am being honest. These are energies I have had to feel and transmute DEEPLY in my lineage. At times it felt like I would never come out the other side. And of course I am still flowing and growing in these areas- but oh MY have I tapped into my wellspring of infinite worth this year. Again- talk about grit.

While my conscious mind has known for years that we are all children of God and infinitely worthy just for BEING- the stories living within my body and subconscious mind were completely different. To simply show up as my authentic self and innate worthiness very vulnerably has certainly been my greatest challenge of the year, in ways that I couldn’t even understand throughout the year while I was in the thick of it.

However when I look back and realize how I feel these days- I can’t imagine a more rewarding feeling. That feeling when you look at the things you were once deathly anxious or insecure about/attached to that no longer even bother (or even occur to) you anymore- is a wonderful feeling. I know I took on a deep and necessary transformation in this area of consciousness and if I am being honest- sometimes I had to learn the “hard way”.

And though I am still learning- I can’t even explain the POWER we have within us. I have spent so much of my life FIGHTING this power only to finally allow it into my body wholeheartedly.

Through this process, I am holding in my body now that we truly are so much more capable than we can conceive. We are rising in a way that is beyond the convention of the past, in a revolutionary and radical way of accepting and allowing ourselves as we are AND attracting IMMENSE love, abundance and success from that place… from merely BEING. The amount of grounded security and peace I feel in just being myself- regardless of what I am doing/receiving/experiencing in any moment- is worth all of the challenges and more. I feel a sense of unshakeable love, deeper than I ever have, in my body. And it is this FORCE within me that has changed my daily life experience and what I attract tremendously.

Finding & Enjoying Our Unique Pace/Rhythm

I can look back at so many points in the past year where I was unconsciously trying to rush and force the things I wanted (or thought I wanted), out of an unconscious energy of desperation or anxiety. In each instance I was invited to slow down and tune in to my own energy and pace, rather than the programmed ideas of what I needed to do. I feel like these kinds of things are just a necessary part of the experience. For now that I look back and see where I am now- I am truly so much more happy in the present moment to simply be, and let things unfold naturally. I don’t feel such pressure to change or fix myself or things around me. I am understanding that my spirit has it’s own pace that my ego cannot understand or control- and that is MORE THAN okay.

This brings me a deep peace and joy in each now moment, and paradoxically actually allows me to make changes with much more ease.

As they say- you can’t force open a rose. However under the egotistical, fight-or-flight pressure, it is easy to want to force things to be a certain way.. often to validate the old self’s unworthiness or comparisons or just to feel safe in the body. Yet I find it is counter-productive to force things.

For example, when you create something from an energy of desperation you tend to just create MORE desperation, versus taking the time to understand and allow your unique pace and create from genuine inspiration/expression.

In other words letting your unique process BE your joy, not the outcome. The ego tends to want it all now, but the soul likes a slow burn. This is where the real magic of life IS and it will reflect both in your present state of being AND your creations.

Despite being a witness to my own moments of trying to force open the rose, I don’t regret any of it, for it truly was the needed experience for me to truly accept and ENJOY my soul’s unique journey and pace authentically in my body. Sometimes we must experience the density of a lesson deeply, so that when we really get the lesson, it catalyses us further than it could have without it. With this lens we can see how our unique challenges and pace IS by divine design! When we truly innerstand and embody this, EVERYTHING changes- from the inside out.

That said I intend to move forward with much more peace and patience in my pace. To enjoy the journey and the little things that make up life. To enjoy the NOW moment which IS EVERYTHING and see more clearly my ego’s drive to control out of desperation-and when it does, to see it and love it more!

This is another way of saying to truly LIVE and ENJOY in the present on a deeper, more embodied level. To practice REAL faith in what God/Higher Self’s plan is for you.

Let yourself enjoy who you really are now because there’s no where else to go.

Attracting Internally Rather Than Chasing Externally

This year I have learned deeper than ever that while we think we want certain external things- financial prosperity, a career, a relationship, a house, etc. (all valid things!), what we TRULY want is the FEELING of them. The FEELING of love, security, freedom, joy, accomplishment, value, connection, etc. that we think certain external things will bring us.

This is probably just Law of Attraction 101 but it has taken me much time to really embody this truth. And what an empowering truth it is. For with practice- we have access to ALL of these feelings in any given moment.

That is to say everything we want truly is within us- and that is what is most worth pursuing. For this is a power that cannot be taken from us. AND this is the power that, naturally DOES attract those physical things that we desire. But to focus on becoming the Be-er and magnetic force from within of such things, I believe we come into our true knowingness and power in an aligned way- rather than giving our power away to external people and places and things.

Next year I intend to tune in deeper to this unconditional love and power within me, and to create from THIS space.

Honoring Our Boundaries and Using Our Voice

A HUGE collective theme! Many of us are deeply programmed to please others to the point where we allow our boundaries to be violated. This is so toxic as it can build unheard of levels of resentment towards ourselves and others.

We live in a time where the very existence of our species is dependent on our ability to use our voice and say NO. Whether it is a no to someone else’s personal expectation of you, or a no to the systems of slavery that rely on your compliance. This is a huge lesson for me this year and going forward- to use my voice and not be afraid to use my inner ferocity as well as my gentleness when needed.

Being “nice” is over-rated- for there isn’t anything kind about being nice when you don’t mean it. Of course there is a balance we can find between being unnecessarily harsh or soft- but my point is to not be afraid of your own voice, boundaries, and inner fire.


Self-awareness is a beautiful gift. However when it comes to self-consciousness I have learned a lot. Coming out as an artist in many different ways has PUSHED me to see how much social anxiety I still have. Much of this anxiety being me fixating WAY TOO MUCH on myself and my perceived flaws instead of focusing on what really matters- the art itself and what it is intended to bring to OTHERS in order to serve THEM.

I hope going forward to bring my work forward with a lot more clarity on my intention of expressing myself authentically and inspiring others, rather than worrying about my own ego self.

When I think of the people who inspire me the most, I notice they show up consistently- not just for themselves- but for their communities. I think of how much their showing up has changed my life and how different it might be if they would have listened to their own self-conscious thoughts and avoided putting themselves out there in order to avoid the unavoidable criticism that comes with it.

This really inspires me and I hope to do and see more of this. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there in any form, and I think the most inspiring people are the ones who are focused on their real values rather than their insecurities.

Since 2020 especially it has been a very isolating time for many for a plethora of reasons-myself included. However I am REALLY feeling a call to be more social and work more with people in different ways as our relationships with others is a huge part of the joy and value in our lives.

Embodying the Soul

Overall I’d say the biggest theme is EMBODYing the Spirit. This involves so much challenge as listed above, because we have LIVED in our egos and the ego does not know or understand how to embody the soul. If we try to embody the soul from the ego’s perspective we tend to psych ourselves out even MORE (ie. spiritual egos).

So it seems the only way is to- sometimes have to learn the “hard way”! Though it is challenging it is WORTH IT. Though it feels like it takes so much time, it SAVES TIME. For the soul IS working through us in each moment to assist us in shifting our consciousness. This is why I want to share and normalize the intensity that this IS. It means our egos have to DIE, again and again, so that the spirit can LIVE. That is just the way the cookie crumbles; that is what we signed up for when we came to Earth at this time to assist the collective in this way.

I say this to really drive home the points- relax into your unique journey and trust your unique pace/process– including your specific challenges.

Give yourself CREDIT, for you are doing an incredible thing in your body EVERYDAY – ESPECIALLY in the uncomfortable moments where you may be tempted to doubt and beat yourself up the most!

Breath and Awareness

Finally, I have to mention the powerful lesson of continuing to be present as the observer/witness of the human self experience, rather than solely identifying with it. With this simple skill, we ALWAYS have direct and instant access to our liberation now- no matter WHAT is arising within us or without us.

Along with this, we have the BREATH- the spirit itself, ALWAYS living within us and assisting us through the sometimes intense dance of life on Earth.


All of this to say, can we give ourselves BIG compassion and credit for how much we have all grown in the past year as it comes to a close?

How much have you been asked to SEE your shadows face to face and allow them to truly be loved and resolved?

How much have you let go of?

What have you received?

What do you intend to go into 2024 with?

The month of December invites you to reflect.

What an empowering feeling it is to look back and see how much we have all been doing this work. If no one has told you- regardless of where you are in your journey- it IS enough and I am proud of you.

While the lessons continue to heighten and deepen in every way- overall the experience does become lighter and more joyful in an unexplainable way. As we raise into higher dimensions of consciousness, the less we will experience the densities of such fear or pain. It is all a very temporary experience- ESPECIALLY when you ALLOW it to be. And yet it is a very valuable experience for you get to really live and learn things in this time and space where you won’t in most other places.

So may we continue to really see this human life for what it is and ENJOY THE RIDE through all of its beautiful pleasures and pains. Our time is far shorter than we tend to realize and before we know it we will be transitioning back to our soul’s home.

Let us be grateful, then! And make the most of each moment here as we fall in love with the mystery of life.

I am wishing you all a happy solstice, merry Christmas, and most happy “new year” of 2024- an 8 year which feels like will bring us much more structure and stability in these deep spiritual lessons!

Infinite love and gratitude to you all always 🙂

Celebrating the mystery, we understand.
Trying to comprehend it, we forget.
Trying to quantize it, we are lost.
God is
-Regan Keely, the code-pendant diaries