You Are Already Perfect

In the Gospel of Thomas, when Jesus was asked, “When will the kingdom of heaven you are talking about come?”, he replied:

“The Kingdom of Heaven Is Spread Upon The Earth But Men Do Not See It.”

This has been profoundly on my mind lately.

I think this wisdom speaks to a lot of things: the perfection of the now moment, the perfection that YOU are as Divine Being, and the potential to experience heaven on Earth in any moment.

And how easy it is, with the conditioned mind of man, to miss all of it.

It is giving me a new practice in my daily life- to remind myself and choose to BE in this perfection as often as I can; to recognize the perfection of the Light that already is within me, and is within all of the Beings around me- and choosing to tune into that, rather than the beliefs of my conditioned mind.

To realize that despite the intense duality, the material world, and especially the programmed thoughts continually thrashing in the unconsciousness of humanity (causing us to act in unconscious ways)- THERE IS access to the kingdom within- to divine being- to perfection. In ANY moment. I truly believe this was the heart of Jesus’s message. And that is a key to our “salvation”. This innate (yet often subtle) access to God’s perfection- to our true nature- is available to anyone at any given moment- it is simply a practice, a skill of CHOOSING to tap into it.

In other words, of recognizing the lower realities of being that are very dual and conditional that we’ve been in, and recognizing the innate and invincible perfection that is also there. And realizing that you have a choice.

Once you know this truth- it becomes a practice of choosing what state you want to be in- what you WANT to experience: the illusion of seperation or the potential for unity with God/YOU (while in form)?

In a multidimensional way, you begin to experience both simultaneously.

What I have noticed is that as I begin to give myself to this truth, it asks me to let go of a lot of things. To let go of trying to control, trying to fix, trying to change myself or the world.

What is most interesting about this though is that this letting go (paradoxical to the mind) does not cause me to stop participating in life- it is just a different way of participating in life. And though I’m not worried about fixing my life or problems the way I used to be- my life and “problems” actually begin to shift in a most profound way naturally just through this awareness.

New Ways of Being in Life

A huge part of our evolution is consciousness is that we are, again and again, finding ourselves being in new ways.

By continuously letting go of my human aspect trying to control everything, I notice I am handing over my “power” to a higher aspect of my self, a deeper aspect, a more holistic aspect, I’d even say a more real aspect. You could call this God. It is YOU-it is not seperate from that which is God.

It makes me realize I don’t have to carry everything that I thought I did and that I am not doing life alone. I realize that I, as a human, am actively co-creating with a massive unseen consciousness that is capable of seeing and doing things way beyond my human self can do or even comprehend. I begin to trust more and take life a lot more lightly. I begin to experience a more embodied freedom and joy.

A huge beauty to this practice is this: learning how to love yourself as you are now, in each moment.

The biggest resistance to this eternal perfect nature that already is and has ALWAYS BEEN within us is simply our programmed mind: our thoughts and beliefs. We have so many conditions, often unconscious, we think we must fulfill in order to be safe, to be lovable, to be successful, etc. That in order to give ourselves love and peace, that we must first fix ourselves. That in order to love the world, we must fix it. While this may be in good intention, I have found within this paradigm is the belief that we, and that the world, is broken. Again- a mental program keeping us in the 3D duality consciousness.

I’m not going to say this paradigm isn’t justified or even necessary on the journey of awakening and remembering who we are and what we are in.

What I am saying is that in practicing seeing deeper into the perfection that you already are and seeing the world around you as the kingdom of heaven now, you are anchoring this higher dimension into the field of Earth- for yourself and for the collective. It is a more unified experience of consciousness that transcends the duality of a broken/fixed world. It is seeing the world as it actually is and remembering, as Jesus said- the kingdom is spread throughout the Earth now.

Again, seemingly paradoxically, if more people started tuning in and practicing this state of Being in the perfection of God… how would that transform us and the world?

Tapping into this divine freedom, love, and joy that we have within us- is actually when the old programs can dissolve naturally.

We focus on aligning and BEING who we truly want to be- rather than trying to fix or heal what we think is “broken”. We no longer see it as broken. We see it as whole. We have access to God in such a strong way that it naturally purifies our life. We realize our little “I’- our human self- our ego- is not responsible for controlling and fixing everything and that it is actually our SPIRIT or Higher Self that is capable and NEEDED to move us through our challenges with grace.

This has been an incredible paradigm shift in my life.

There is a great unbridled joy in learning to accept and LOVE yourself in each moment as you are. We are deeply programmed to try to keep getting on to the next thing, trying to keep up with the world, thinking we need certain things in order to allow ourselves the privilege to love ourselves. This is a strange trap that doesn’t end until you choose to tap into this perfection.

Our soul reminds us that there is nothing we need or can attain in this world that would make us worthy of this love. It already IS- and it is just a matter of choosing to love ourselves, to be present, to create our desires in the world not to prove anything, but out of the joy and celebration of being alive, of being God in form. Of REMEMERING WE ARE- God in form.

Within YOU is perfect, untouchable, divine being. Within EVERY being is perfect, untouchable, divine being. I challenge you to try this practice of SEEING the kingdom on Earth for yourself in life and be a witness to what begins to unravel.