Let Soul Lead You

Spiritual awakening is such a ride! It continues to surprise and amaze me, how often and how deeply it does not happen as I thought that it would.

One of the biggest lessons I have been learning and embodying is the art of letting myself be GUIDED by my soul on totally new levels, and it has been miraculous AF to be frank.

Trusting Life

What if your soul, your higher self, God, was actually leading you into your greatest love and joy in every moment? Leading you towards truth, towards your heart’s desires, towards the knowing that you ARE God in form?

What if life actually is already PERFECT by design, with a divinity and intelligence that is far more infinite and benevolent than we can fathom?

Perhaps our life is already perfect, but it is our minds that are “broken”?

This is an incredible paradigm shift.

As human beings, it is deeply programmed in our minds that there is something wrong with us as individuals; that there is something wrong with others, that there is something wrong with the world. Especially in the healing and wellness communities, there is a huge emphasis around healing, fixing, and improving the self.

I’m not saying there isn’t any truth in that paradigm- however, this idea of “healing” can actually be an addictive and self-fulfilling loop.. especially in the eyes of Beings that CREATE realities through their beliefs.

For it is never ending. There is ALWAYS going to be something about you that you need to “heal” or “fix” or “change”. You could dig stuff up the rest of your life that needs fixing. By implying that you need to heal, you are implying that you are sick. By implying that you need to fix yourself, you imply that you are broken. This is a level of still playing into the duality and the DEEP mind control of humanity.

For what I am saying is that- what if you don’t need to constantly focus on your flaws and fixing them? What if that is just another rabbit hole, another distraction from the truth? What if there is a much more simple and true path towards embodied enlightenment?

It has been my experience that there is.

Our FOCUS is our consciousness- what we focus on WILL be. So we can focus our energy on what is wrong with us and how to fix it and that is a paradigm of being that we will really experience. Again, nothing wrong with this and this is often a necessary bridge to the next paradigm I am speaking on.

But WHAT IF we can simply focus on exactly what we are wanting to create and experience in each moment. Focus on BEING it.. whether that is being in love, being abundant, being successful, being connected – or whatever it is that your heart is calling you towards. You don’t have to fix yourself to get it. You just have to CHOOSE to BE it. And commit to choosing it again and again – in your energy and in your actions. Keeping your focus on it no matter what distractions or contrast arises to move through.

This is how we as creator beings CREATE. The “healing”, if I can even call it that, will happen as a natural byproduct of this.. just as the tools, the resources, the people, the everything will happen as a natural byproduct of this.

They key is to FOCUS on what you want to create, with laser beam focus. To not be distracted by these things anymore, not be distracted by the fears, the doubts, the thoughts, etc. And when you lose your focus, with as much compassion and non-judgement as possible, just bring it back. Experiences of “healing” and transformation will NATURALLY occur on this path. But you keep your focus and presence on what you are creating- not on “what’s wrong with you”.

You let and trust your SOUL to lead you.

Soul Leading

The thing about being led by your soul that is so extreme to us as human beings, is that we are coming out of the very deep paradigm of being led by our egos, and into the paradigm of being led by our soul.

The bottom line is that our soul’s will lead us exactly where we want to go– HOWEVER, it will be in ways that our ego will often not understand, resist, and even fight and rebel against. Even in ways sometimes that the ego will HATE.

Yet our soul asks us to be very intimate and trusting with it, again and again. For the soul can do and handle things in such grand ways that sometimes are going to trigger the ego.

Our job? To be as recognizant of this as POSSIBLE, in every present moment. When we understand this, we realize that aligning with the soul is a practice, a skill, and truly a CHOICE. The choice to relinquish ego’s control over to the soul, over to God. We realize that this is really all the ego is actually responsible for. Not for controlling everything, but for getting it to be capable of surrendering and aligning with soul in the present moment. That’s it.

The soul is leading us to what we desire to create. It knows EXACTLY how its going to do it. The ego doesn’t understand this. So when you go on this journey of committing to your conscious creation, the more you trust every single lesson, blessing, trial, confusion, release, etc. and how it is getting you to move and be in new ways, the less you have to suffer through it- even through the contrasting experiences. We are talking DEEP DEEP trust here. Trust being almost the antithesis of the ego, which wants to control and manage EVERY little detail to feel good. But it simply cannot keep up with the soul.

The phrase “Let go and let God” takes on a whole deeper meaning when you choose and commit to being led by the soul. Because the things that the ego can control and manage are so, so, SO limited. This is a practice of literally handing over your worries, fears, control, etc. over to God, to your soul, to the Higher Power you have known. To stop trying to fix and be responsible for EVERYTHING- because our egos again, are actually responsible for so little!

Our ego’s only real job, aside from the primordial role of keeping us physically alive and safe, is to HAND OVER THE POWER to the soul again and again, once one commits to this path. To RECOGNIZE our programmed reaction of wanting to force and control things we fear or don’t understand- and then hand it over to God. I mean just HAND IT OVER and stop worrying about it. GIVE IT to God. Let it GO. And see what happens.

We’re talking about trust falls… we’re talking about Tom Petty FREE FALLIN. It is a skill, it is a practice, and it takes a LOT of COURAGE to lean and LEAP into the unknown like this. And we continue to build this trust as we walk and follow soul on new levels.

My experience? The more I am able to do this, the more I am FLOORED by life’s perfection and intelligence in moving me in divine ways I couldn’t have predicted myself.

Life is Perfect

This is about getting to know LIFE again. This is about trusting and experiencing first hand just how divine and AMAZINGLY intelligent LIFE is. Life has a plan for YOU. LIFE is not broken. Life is already perfection.

It is our MINDS, through the mental programming and mind control, that have been broken. And the only way to “heal” that is to allow life, allow your soul, allow God to lead you back into the knowing of the perfection that you always actually were and have been, beyond the 3D matrix of amnesia, seperation, and control. This option is available to us in ANY moment.

What if you really allowed yourself to believe and trust that there is nothing wrong with you right now?

That you are ALREADY whole and complete, and there is nothing you need to fix in order to be safe or lovable or worthy?

What if you navigated life from this foundation?

What if you knew in each moment of life that you are already God in form?

What would there be to fear?!

Again, I have to use this quote from the gospel of Thomas: “The kingdom of heaven is spread throughout the earth, but men do not see it”.

What if all is well? What if you’re already perfect? What if heaven on Earth is already here? Do you have eyes to see it?

This is not about ignoring or bypassing the ugly stuff about the world or humanity… its about seeing it all from a totally new perspective. A perspective that, without even trying to heal it, innately and naturally heals it by cutting through the unconscious programming like a sword.

I believe it is this KNOWING that masters, such as Jesus Christ, understood and embodied as they walked the Earth and it is how they were able to bring such miraculous transformation to humanity.

There is a deep unshakable happiness in this skill. For it shows you your invincible and infinite nature and allows you to embody it- aka to actually STEP INTO WHO YOU REALLY ARE in your physical body.

From this space we really start to take our power back and claim who we are as Divine Being. We see through the eyes of God and we are capable of transforming things in a way that is simple and direct and natural to us as sovereign creator beings.

We practice the skill of rememberance and KNOWING who we REALLY are and why we are here. We feel and embody our true Being and are able to do and witness miracles.