Abundance: A Generous Heart

Lately, I have been feeling new levels of abundance in my life. And I am truly SO grateful and AMAZED at what this experience entails. As usual, what I THOUGHT abundance was, is so different from what it actually is. I want to shed some light on this experience and perhaps activate more abundance codes in you!

When I say abundance I don’t only mean financially- though in this world, that is definitely a part of it. It is the feeling and knowing that you have everything that you need. And as simple as that is, it is a feeling that you can seem to experience on deeper and deeper levels in the body- and as you do- your life changes from the inside out.

Diving right in, what does abundance actually feel like? For me, it feels like DEEP DEEP gratitude. Levels of gratitude in my body I am just overjoyed to be experiencing- because it makes me realize how blessed I really am in life to have so many simple luxuries that I once totally took for granted. I can’t help but thank God for my life and my abundance all day long.

It also feels like generosity. It feels like not only am I more open to receiving than ever, but I am more open to giving than ever. I don’t want to just hold on to my blessings, I want to praise God for them and SHARE THEM with others however I can. I want to give as freely as I can, because I know that I can, and that I will continue to recieve more. Abundance is infinite.

I mean it is truly amazing. Mainly because for the majority of life I have dealt with deep fears around scarcity and lack, and my body has lived in those states up until recently when a challenging experience caused me to purge so much of it out and be thankful on a whole new level.

Abundance Blockers

Now that I understand, on a physical level, what abundance is and feels like, I also know on a deeper level what abundance does NOT feel like.

The feeling of scarcity and lack is so tricky. I can understand why abundance is so hard to teach- especially to those who have lived their life with deep fears around safety, money, survival, and resources. It is a deep fear around not having enough- usually from a trauma from a time where there really was not enough.

Interestingly enough, I also realized on a deep level how much the feeling of scarcity/lack feels like greed. The energy of greed is one of feeling like one doesn’t have enough, one needs more, one needs to get and hoard their resources. And while self-preservation and saving is a great thing- there is a difference between this and a fear-based need to hoard.

The experience of genuine abundance is one that you feel and know that all the resources you need – whether spiritual or physical – are always infinitely flowing to, through, and from you. It feels like a deep freedom and empowerment and TRUST in yourself and God/the universe. There is no need to “hoard” things because you already know God is going to give you what you need. It is a free flow.

More than anything, abundance feels like a genuine grateful and generous heart. There is a deep freedom around resources.. again KNOWING that they always come to you. A deep TRUST.

Again, I definitely understand this trust is hard to attain when one has been living in scarcity mindset- most likely experiencing all kinds of “proof” that there is never enough- stemming from this unconscious embodiment of lack and fear. Feeling tight and restricted around money or resources, feeling fear in the body about paying or spending money, rather than genuine gratitude.

Finding New Levels of Abundance in Your Life

All of this said, I hope to give you a clearer understanding of what abundance (and scarcity) FEEL like. Because understanding alone will not be enough to bring in abundance- in my experience, abundance comes from actually EMBODYING it. Meaning, you FEEL these sensations of gratitude and generosity in your body FOR REAL. Not just think about it.

This is the practice!

To start finding ways to- again, not just THINK about gratitude- but to really FEEL gratitude in your life about all the things you have, which are many. To FEEL generosity towards yourself and others. To notice the sensations in your body when you receive or spend money and get very awake to them- does it FEEL expansive or contractive? No judgement- just be aware and practice opening up a little bit MORE every time.

Overall, abundance feels like more happiness. More joy. More excitement towards life. More connection with the bigger part of you in KNOWING that its always giving you what you need in each moment. And you WILL continue to experience new levels of abundance. Just be patient with yourself.

And I heed you this warning.. don’t get greedy! Greed- again is a form of lack, one that is very normalized in our society.. and this will block you from experiencing abundance. Focusing on how you don’t have enough, rather than focusing on how you DO have enough and being genuinely thankful for it. This is the practice.

This is the practice that will not only create abundance in your body and field.. but will create a far more harmonious relationship with life altogether. You will feel more ease, more appreciation, more faith in your safety, well-being, and FREEDOM.

Abundance is a deep topic because it involves healing the root chakra and the many deeply embedded traumas we as humans have had around our ability to be safe in the world and in our body.

Another thing worth mentioning is action. Taking action towards abundance in new ways, is a powerful tool to start activating and feeling more abundance in the body.


What can you give thanks for and FEEL in your body? How can you be more generous to others? How can you keep that energy flowing and trust even DEEPER that God and the Universe have your back and are working WITH you, not against you, to help you create and manifest your dreams and highest potential?

How can you continue to appreciate your blessings, and GIVE BACK to the world the love, the mercy, the joy, the wisdom that YOU have recieved?

May we continue to EMBODY the codes of gratitude, joy, and genorosity. There is enough for everyone. There is no lack in the universe- only artifical scarcity that we no longer have to play in when we genuinely open up to the universe.