Quantum Healing and Why it’s So Effective

Over the years, the practice of quantum healing and quantum activation have played a large role in my spiritual journey- from transforming deep ancestral patterns to jumping into entirely new timelines. Tapping into the quantum field- the infinite field of possibilities- is a very powerful and natural tool for human Beings to create potent shifts with. Yet it being a non-physical phenomena, I understand that is can seem abstract, intangible, and even impractical to some. In this article, I want to demystify the practice of healing and activating in the quantum field.

By quantum field- I am referring to the zero-point field- the field of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES within you where everything that ever was, is, will be, and could be exists. This is closely connected to your soul, who you really are as infinite consciousness beyond the human form.

The Power of Imagination

The easiest way to tap into the quantum field is your imagination. In your imagination- you have the ability to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and know anything that you’re mind can dream up.

For most of our lives, we have been told and made to feel like our imagination is not that powerful, that it is “all in our heads” and it is not a real skill to develop and use. As children, our imaginations are vibrant and vivid, but often not encouraged as we get older. Along with things like fluoride, television, school, and many of the programs of modern society, there is very little importance placed on the imagination and actually a lot attempts to weaken it.

And yet, we can all agree, the imagination is actually one of the most powerful and important tools we have! Every truly great inventor, artist, or pioneer of ANY kind was able to create the amazing impact they did because they were tapped into their imagination and realized how to birth it into the physical world.

The same is true for all clairvoyant abilities- channeling, telepathy, creativity, inspiration, healing- the receiving of all non-physical energies, codes, and messages is reliant upon one’s ability to allow and use their imagination.

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” -Nikola Tesla

When you really understand how powerful a tool- a GIFT- our imagination is and begin tapping into it daily, you will discover for yourself that it has the very real ability to guide and shift your physical life in tangible and miraculous ways.

Breaking through Mental Limits/Mind Control

The imagination, and mind in general, has a overarching influence on how we experience our life and our actual life itself.

As we all know by now, we live in a world where the mind of humans have been deeply, DEEPLY conditioned and controlled in a way that has been, frankly, devastating to their well-being and meant to benefit a small portion of Beings. The mind has been programmed through fear, trauma, and so many covert psychological tactics over generations. This, mixed with the amnesia of incarnating in a 3D field, and many other things- humanity has forgot so much of their innate abilities and power.

Reconnecting to your imagination and the quantum field is a way to start stepping back into their CREATOR BEING that you are- rather than running a loop regurgitating what programs have conditioned your mind and thinking that is all there is. It is how we consciously create our reality, from the inside out.

Quantum Healing and Activation

With that foundation laid, let’s get into what quantum healing and activation can do for you.

In any quantum healing session, you are tapping into the unseen, yet very real energies of your energy field. Your energy field alone is full of ALL kinds of things.. from chakras (energy centers) to the subtle bodies around your physical body to your akashic records to the contracts you hold to the cords you have connected to others to your spirit guides/ancestors to 4D implants to negative entities to… well again, ALL kinds of things! You have a whole sacred geometry grid around and within you- as you also stand within many other energies and grids on Earth. You are also connected to all past and future experiences in the present- of your own and of really anyones- it is all connected in the field.

When you start tuning into your third eye- your imagination- you begin to actually see and work consciously with these things. You can channel all kinds of light codes, ideas, happenings, healing energies, messages from all kinds of Beings and consciousnesses. It is all a part of God in a big multi-dimensional web of consciousness.

Now with THAT said, as you tap into this (through your imagination/third eye) AND (very importantly) with your HEART discernment- you can begin working with these energies in a fun way- in a way that does effect the physical realm- for the physical realm is just a reflection of the non-seen energies.

While we ALL have this innate ability within us, it takes practice and experience to learn how to start using these tools in ways that are healing, helpful, and beneficial. Naturally, the more connected one is and the more practiced one is- the greater of a healer or creator they become in using the quantum field.

Like anything- it takes practice working with these energies. For it is a new frontier for our human race at this time- though the ancients and many aboriginal tribes and whatnot were and are still tuned into this awareness- for many of us we are experiencing it from a beginners mind.

And the quantum field, like the 3D field- does have levels of duality in which one can experience both very positive and negative states and entities. This I’ve dedicated articles to when we look into the AI matrix, archons, reptilians, implants, and again all kinds of negatively-polarized or inverted energies in the 4th dimension. These energies feed off and breed fear, control, enslavement, and all kinds of other negative energies. In the 3rd dimension we see the physical result of this in corrupt and abusive people/systems- in the 4D we can see and understand it in a deeper capacity.

The reason I mention this is because these negative entities, technologies, and energies can be a root cause of a lot of the illness, pain, negative thoughts, and patterns human beings experience in their minds and bodies on a daily basis. And to be well versed in healing or creating in the quantum realm, it is important to be humbly aware of this so that you have sharp discernment AND so you know how to work with and transmute such energies at a core level. I can’t emphasize discernment enough when it comes to energy healing/channeling of any kind and who you choose to work with. Always trust your HEART.

The core of quantum healing is simple enough. It is the practice of channeling high-frequencies of love-light (God-force energy; chi; prana; etc.) through your clear vessel and directing it towards who (or what) you are bringing healing to. This fills the body/auric field with life-giving light which assists the body/auric field in healing itself better-especially if it has been depleted from toxins/entities/fears/trauma/mind control/etc.

Over the years of my practice, like others devoted to the quantum healing arts, I have learned (through training and first-hand experience) so many other quantum techniques to heal, transmute, and activate the human field/body.

While the core is still channeling high-frequency light- which through practice you become able to channel higher and higher light- there is also working directly with angels and guides in higher realms, using angelic alchemy and symbols to create and amplify LOTS of light energies, there is the ethical removal of entities and negative entities attached to people/land, and the removal of 4D implants that block out natural energies. There is sometimes “soul retrieval”- the art of calling back any parts of the soul that fragmented out of the body due to too much trauma. There is usually cutting of cords that are no longer serving and have been ethereically draining the person unconsciously. There is ending of contracts that no longer serve which also can be a part of someone’s seemingly impossible negative patterns. There is incorporating different sounds, colors, specific energies in order to aid what specific problems the client may be experiencing. There is sometimes clearing of “black magic” that was put on someone from someone else. There is also activation- which beyond healing blocks, is about filling areas of the body/field with high-frequency love-light in a way that activates one’s abilities and powers and gifts.

When I am doing a quantum healing- from beginning to end I am consciously working WITH the client’s Higher Self/soul/sovereign consciousness and aware that it is them who is leading me and I am just a vessel for. From beginning to end I am ensuring the client is in a SOVEREIGN space where unnecessary or negative energies cannot infringe on their field or session and that I do not do anything that the Higher Self does not want or is not ready for. This is another reason why experienced discernment is so important in a healer.

The results of the sessions vary depending on the person, their intentions, their ability to receive, and where they are in life- but almost ALWAYS, it is a tangibly life-changing experience. During the session, one is in a very relaxed and even trance-like state, and often has visions and experiences of their own that coincide with mine. They come out of the session feeling super light and clear and connected.

The REAL results of the session come in the following days or weeks after, when they begin to really anchor in to their new quantum state. Whether they realize it or not, all of the negative junk that was draining their vitality in the quantum field is now cleared and their love-light has risen both in quality and quantity- allowing them to live in a much more free and expansive way.

It truly is hard to describe in words what this is like until you experience it for yourself. I wish to emphasize, if you don’t already know- that the quantum field is STRANGE and really is full of all kinds of things you can only imagine-literally- like totally crazy stories and energies that really can have a debilitating-or revitalizing effect on your life.

To me, quantum healing is perhaps the most important- on its own and in conjunction with any other modality of healing- because it is getting to the energy- the actual source of one’s pain/disease/illness/vitality. With more serious conditions that do require medical intervention- quantum healing is an amazing factor to add into that to help lesson any negative effects of the medications/medical practices and the boost the positive aspects- again, by keeping the negative energies cleared and filling the field with high frequency light. It is not the physical that creates the energetic- it is the energetic that creates the physical. Everything is energy.

To quote the genius Nikola Tesla one more time in this article- not only one of the most brilliant minds of Earth but also one that continuously praised and accredited his inventions to his imagination, he said:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

― Nikola Tesla

Start Tapping into your Imagination

If anything, I hope this article inspired you with what is possible for you and for humanity going forward. These truly are incredible times. We all were blessed with the gift of imagination. Imagination, like intuition, is like an energetic muscle that you have to practice often to keep it strong. I know many people say they feel their imagination is blocked- and there are many ways to begin strengthening your powerful and vivid imagination again.

The easiest way would be to start visualizing every day- even just random objects. Or imagine sounds, smells, tastes, ideas. Set aside time to work your imagination. Practice RECEIVING things in your imagination. All of this will aid you in your psychic awareness, creativity, and help you to start tuning into the quantum field as you are naturally designed to do. Remember.. your imagination is not just “made up”… it is literally the way you perceive information in higher dimensions!!

Book A Session

Of course, another way to improve your imagination and your overall well being is book a quantum healing session with someone you trust and that your heart is calling you towards. As I have said above, this is a very gentle and yet powerful catalyst in ones spiritual journey and I really can’t recommend it enough. You can check out my services here, with tons of testimonials from others who have worked with me quite a few times.

This is a great option for someone who is wanting to awaken deeper on their spiritual path, those who have been feeling stuck in density or negativity, and those who are ready for a next-level activation in their consciousness. A quantum healing session is perfect for those who want to experience the kind of transformative effects one gets from plant medicines like ayahuasca, but in a much more gentle and safe way. If your heart is calling you towards this experience… I’d say go for it!


Quantum healing is a cutting edge service and spiritual technology in our world – working with the divinely intelligent field that is always around us. I highly recommend getting a session and/or starting to tap into this power in your own life, you won’t regret it!